Climate: do or die

We are facing the biggest crisis the world has ever seen. A crisis that is so fundamental that it is at the basis of all the city’s other problems and worries. This is the deciding decade. This is our last chance to intervene and avert the climate crisis. It’s do or die. We need to choose for our future. For our children. This means we need to drastically reduce our CO2 emissions: D66 has the ambition to increase our CO2- reduction goals from 55% to 60% in 2030. To realise this, we need to do everything we can: insulate houses, boost the transition to a circular economy and ensure that everyone has the (financial) opportunity to contribute. 


Insulating homes is the key to reducing our energy consumption. On top of that, it also saves a lot of money on energy bills. At the same time we are dealing with a lack of technicians, which are needed for the energy transition, and technical studies are not very popular in Amsterdam. That is why we want to start a circular insulation programme together with educational institutions. This way young people are motivated to enter technical occupations that contribute to a sustainable city. A win-win. 
Next to that, D66 stands for climate justice. We believe that the bill for the transition to a more sustainable world should not have to be paid by those who have the least to spend. Nor should they be the ones facing the problems caused by the fossil world. 

Make use of every roof

D66 wants a Green Roof Fund! The city should start a Green Roof Fund that Amsterdammers can invest in, and that offers a higher interest rate than their savings account. This way home-owners, VVE’s, companies and housing associations can make money by renting out their roofs and making them greener! Good for the economy and for the climate. Companies and institutions also play a big role in generating sustainable energy. The 100 biggest roofs in Amsterdam account for 15% of the total solar-energy potential in the city. We want to develop a plan of action with each of these companies regarding solar panels on their roof. If this is not possible in specific cases, the alternative is a green roof. We will work with a ‘yes, unless’ approach: roofs are always made use of, unless there is a good reason not to.  

Climate roof and support for plans

Making the city greener is our top priority. Not only to make Amsterdam more livable and pleasant, but also to ensure we have water buffers against extreme rain and enough shade to keep temperatures in the city down. A good support base for our plans is essential: we will not just impose our plans on people. We include residents in big decisions that affect their living environment and make sure that information is clear and accessible. 
For every area that we disconnect from gas we will have neighbourhood deliberations so that people that are affected by this change can keep an eye on the process and propose ideas regarding communication, technical approaches, rules, governance and research. This way we look for the most affordable and profitable solutions that best fit a specific situation and area, rather than going with a one-size-fits-all approach. 

Beeld: Markus Spiske – Unsplash Photo Community