Contact D66 in the European Parliament

Do you have a question about our plans for Europe? Do you have a good proposal we should act on? Feel free to contact us. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.

On this page you will find an overview of the portfolios of our MEPs and which policy officers work for them.

Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy
Head of Delegation

Head of Delegation
Chief of staff: Felix Klos

Finance (CONT/BUDG)
Policy officers: Diyar Salih, Hessel Rooijakkers & Thomas Herder

Economic Affairs (ECON)
Policy officer: Hessel Rooijakkers

Climate (ENVI)
Policy officers: Siri de Vrijer & Diyar Salih

Foreign Affairs (AFET)
Policy officer: Margot Vrijhoeven

Appointments: Sylvia Heerbaart

For press: Stefan de Koning

Raquel García Hermida-van der Walle

Regional Development and Cohesion (REGI)
Policy officer: Sjirk Eildert Bruinsma

Civil Liberties, Justice and Security (LIBE)
Policy officer: Stijn ter Heerdt

Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)
Reform of the European Union (AFCO)
Delegation for relations with Afghanistan (D-AF)
Policy officer: Margot Vrijhoeven

Appointments and press: Sjirk Eildert Bruinsma

Brigitte van den Berg

Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)
Policy officer: Marijn Kuipers

Industry, research and energy (ITRE)
Policy officer: Thomas Herder

Culture and education (CULT)
Policy officer: Margot Vrijhoeven

Appointments and press: Marie van Hecke