Election Night UCR

UCR Debate Program in English on Tuesday 8 March.
You’re very welcome to join us in the Burgerzaal of the Middelburg Stadhuis. To register for this event, please send an email to [email protected]


Introduction Speaker: Ella Brascamp
An introduction speech in which Ella welcomes everyone and
discusses the importance of politics for young people as well as the
program for the evening.


Party Introduction
Each party will get a minute to introduce themselves and their
most important viewpoints. What sets them apart? Why should
people vote for the party?


Student Housing
Housing is a hot topic for almost anyone in The Netherlands at the
moment, but especially for students who want to live in proper housing
but will also soon try to buy or rent their own space.


A number of University Students have been experiencing Middelburg
as a more unsafe environment because of street harrasment and breakins in student building’s. How do parties aim to improve this?


Education Funding
The Municipality plays an essential role in the funding for UCR and HZ. As parties present, they can make a difference between good and excellent education. How are they willing to divide the money?


Students have a lot on their plate and sometimes that plate becomes
a bit too heavy. Waiting lists for professional mental support can be
very extensive, on the other hand Health Care can also be expensive.
What is the right balance?


There is now time for the audience to interact with the representatives present to ask any remaining questions