D66 Diemen for internationals

Punt de Sniep

Uitzicht over Diemen vanaf de Punt van Plantage de Sniep Beeld: Marc Lammerts

D66 is an internationally minded social-liberal party founded in 1966. Our priorities are affordable housing, combatting the climate crisis, and creating equal opportunities for all through high-quality and accessible education. D66 has achieved a lot in recent years. With your support, we can continue to do so.

Freedom for everyone, and a place for everyone.

Equal opportunities

Kunst tussen flats

Fotoproject De vier jaargetijden (2019), bewonersgroep De Flatmakers Beeld: Marc Lammerts

D66 stands for an open, free society with equal opportunities for everyone. In particular in education. Regardless of cultural background, religion, age and gender. We know, however, that the pursuit of inclusiveness and equality of opportunity is never easily done. We have to do it together. By giving space, connecting to what we share and taking into account our differences.

Build more homes

Huizen in aanbouw

Huizen in aanbouw in Diemen Beeld: Marc Lammerts

We want more homes for our residents. Thanks in part to D66 in the college, 2000 houses have been built in Diemen, especially in the new residential areas of Holland Park and Plantage de Sniep. However, there is also an acute shortage of housing in our municipality. That’s why we have to build houses. D66 focuses on medium-priced rental housing and social housing. We mainly build in Holland Park and without affecting the green outside area.

Act against climate change


Zonnepanelen op het dak in Diemen Noord Beeld: Marc Lammerts

D66 is a green party and wants to take action for the climate. The climate crisis presents us with major challenges and demands change. We want to work hard on the energy transition, the circular economy and adapting our living environment. Keeping Diemen and the world livable starts now.

Local strength


Theater De Omval, plek voor kunst en cultuur, eten en drinken, werkplekken en binnenkort ook de OBA Diemen. Beeld: Marc Lammerts

D66 wants Diemen to be a place where residents meet, are involved and enjoy a pleasant life together. A place where you feel at home. This is made possible by the rich village life in Diemen. The community centers, Theater de Omval and the many sports clubs, as well as the cultural offer and the various events that enliven Diemen. D66 has always fought for enough money to make all this possible. We will continue to strive for this in the coming years. That makes D66 the most local political party in Diemen.

Our core values

Want to learn more about D66? Take a look at our five core values:

I am not an Dutch resident. Can I vote?

Everyone who has an EU passport, or has been living in The Netherlands legally for over five consecutive years, has the right to vote for the Diemen municipal elections. To vote, you only have to be registered as a resident in the city.